Agents Scott and Cam, along with guest operative Dr. Andrew Hammond, SpyCast host and historian & curator of the International Spy Museum, help Paul Newman crack a top secret mathematical equation with the 1966 Alfred Hitchcock Cold War thriller Torn Curtain. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Starring Paul Newman, Julie Andrews, Lila Kedrova, Hansjörg Felmy, Tamara Toumanova, Ludwig Donath, Wolfgang Kieling and Günter Strack. Hear more from Andrew on SpyCast, which is available everywhere. You can also follow him on X. Learn more about the International Spy Museum online, and check out their YouTube channel for more fantastic spy content. Become a SpyHards Patron and gain access to top secret "Agents in the Field" bonus episodes, movie commentaries and more! Purchase the latest exclusive SpyHards merch at Redbubble. Social media: @spyhards View the NOC List and the Disavowed List at Podcast artwork by Hannah Hughes. Theme music by Doug Astley.