Agents Scott and Cam, along with guest operative Danny from It's A Musical! Podcast, dance the Snuggle Huggle while singing along with the 1967 Roy Orbison western spy musical The Fastest Guitar Alive. Directed by Michael D. Moore. Starring Roy Orbison, Sammy Jackson, Maggie Pierce, Joan Freeman, Lyle Bettger, John Doucette and Patricia Donahue. Check out It's A Musical! Podcast wherever you get your podcasts, and follow them on Twitter. Become a SpyHards Patron and gain access to top secret "Agents in the Field" bonus episodes, movie commentaries and more! Pick up exclusive SpyHards merch, including the "What Does Vargas Do?" t-shirt by @shaylayy, available only at Redbubble Social media: @spyhards View the NOC List and the Disavowed List at Podcast artwork by Hannah Hughes.