Agents Scott and Cam, along with guest operative Bill Koenig from The Spy Command blog, hop in a hovercraft with Dean Martin and Ann-Margret and take on the second Matt Helm spy adventure, Murderers' Row. Directed by Henry Levin. Starring Dean Martin, Ann-Margret, Karl Malden, Camilla Sparv, James Gregory, Beverly Adams, Richard Eastham, Tom Reese and Dino, Desi and Billy. Check out Bill's writing over at The Spy Command, or join the community on Facebook. Become a SpyHards Patron and gain access to top secret "Agents in the Field" bonus episodes, movie commentaries and more! Pick up exclusive SpyHards merch, including the "What Does Vargas Do?" t-shirt by @shaylayy, available only at Redbubble. Social media: @spyhards View the NOC List and the Disavowed List at Podcast artwork by Hannah Hughes. Theme music by Doug Astley.