Judy Smith was a 50-year old nurse who was loved by her family and friends in 1997. She traveled to Philadelphia, PA from Boston to join her husband at a work conference. While her husband was working, she would explore the city. When she fails to turn up at the hotel to meet her husband for a cocktail party, he scours the city but finds no clues to her whereabouts. Judy would be located 5 months later, but the discovery would only lead to more questions. She was found stabbed to death and decomposed halfway up the side of a mountain in North Carolina, over 600 miles from where she was last seen. Why was Judy in North Carolina? Did she go willingly or was she taken by force? On this last episode of One Minute and Forty-Three Seconds of 2020, special guest Sohaib and Megan try to make sense of this puzzling case. To view the go-fund-me for the family of Shuai Guan, who was killed in a carjacking on December 21, please go to: https://gofund.me/226cd89d