22 years ago on February 14, 2000, Valentine's Day also fell on a Monday. It also happened to be Harold and Iquilla Degree's wedding anniversary. But it would not prove to be a happy occasion, as at some point in the early morning hours, their 9-year old daughter, Asha, would climb out of bed, pack a bag, and leave her house and would never return. Perhaps as baffling as the reason Asha left her home that evening despite being timid, afraid of the dark and of thunderstorms, are the subsequent clues that would show up in the months and even years after that fateful night. Sadly, with each twist and turn in this case, we're left with only more questions, and the Degree family is left without their beloved daughter and sister. Join myself and returning guest Elaine Erickson for this Valentine's Day special episode as we explore the events of Valentine's Day 22 years ago and what could have happened to Asha Degree.