ABOUT MARA YALE Website: www.marayale.com Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/yalemaram Instagram: @maramyale Blog: www.marazoemia.net ABOUT REGAME-VR LAB AT NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Research in the Rehabilitation Games and Virtual Reality Laboratory at Northeastern University focuses on the sustainable, evidence-based integration of virtual reality (VR) and active video games into rehabilitation practice for children with neuromotor impairments such as cerebral palsy. Website: www.web.northeastern.edu/regamevrlab Facebook: www.facebook.com/regamevrlab Twitter:@regamevr Audio from ReGame-VR lab interviews produced by Benjamin Bertsch and Adam Fischer. LINKS FROM INTERVIEW I-ACQUIRE: www.nihstrokenet.org/i-acquire/family-resources I-ACQUIRE clinical trial for constraint induced movement therapy: www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03910075 Cerebral Palsy Soccer: www.cpsoccer.us Hand in Hand Parenting: www.handinhandparenting.org The Reading Promise: www.makeareadingpromise.com Dr. Karen Pape: www.karenpapemd.com Children's Hemiplegia and Stroke Association (CHASA): www.chasa.org International Alliance for Pediatric Stroke: www.iapediatricstroke.org Sheryl Field, Field Center for Integrated Development: www.thefieldcenter.org Feldenkrais: www.feldenkrais.com Somatic Experiencing: www.traumahealing.org/about-us Find and Follow Carole and Wisdom Shared: https://www.caroleblueweiss.com/ Subscribe to YouTube channel Follow and send a message on Facebook Follow and send a message on LinkedIn Follow on Instagram Follow on TikTok Follow on Threads The Wisdom Shared Team Audio Engineering by Steve Heatherington of Good Podcasting Works Co-Producer and Marketing Coordinator: Kayla Nelson Production Assistant: Becki Leigh