From her modest perch in Lorim's Hill, the thief steals into the night. Credits:Written and produced by Michael SchofieldPlayed by Sisi WeiVoices by Kristian Byrne, @strawberrio, Chris Croll, and Patrik Deraković-Rakas. Music by Tabletop Audio and Ivan Duch (see usage statements). We couldn't come to you without the support of our Fyrd. Our spear throwers: Laura Spears, Andy Priestner, Joshua Simpson, and Kevin Wilson; our friends at Wunderpop: Unique AF Apparel for the Girls, Theys, Gays, and Allies; our freepeople: Jack Kellum from Gods and Gamemasters, Bill Helman, Vladyslav Dembik, and Counterspell Culture. Support indie fiction at