Did you participate in the Winter of Care and Repair challenge last year? Do you plan to do so this year? I’m welcoming Jeanna Wigger, the challenge’s creator and host, back onto the podcast. Jeanna and I have both been thinking about how we can use the challenge to implement the changes we want to see in the world, on a personal level, community level and global level. Jeanna and I share what important actions we plan to take in the months ahead. Support the podcast over on Patreon! Jeanna is the creator of the #winterofcareandrepair challenge, also #winterofcareandrepair2023. You can follow Jeanna on Instagram @thepeoplesmending. Listen to my previous conversations with Jeanna about the Winter of Care and Repair challenge: Ep. #115: Winter of Care and Repair with Jeanna Wigger Ep. #132: A Season of Mending with Jeanna Wigger Ep. #135: How to Triage Your Mends with Jeanna Wigger I plan to use the WOCAR challenge to help me enact the plans that I laid out in: Ep. #160: What We Do Now Jeanna and I are both supporters of the writer Aja Barber over on Patreon. UK residents: find your MP and their email address petition Parliament to discuss bills that are important to you US residents: find your congress people Find your federal, state and local elected officials Learn more about the OR Foundation Fashion Revolution is another awesome organisation that can also advise on how to take action. Discover how ethical or otherwise your current banking or investments are via Bank.Green You can also use the site to find an alternative and learn how to make the switch. Jeanna suggests taking the Fibershed Sustainable Closet Audit. Jeanna uses Appblock to set controls on her screen time.