Text the Bookcast and say "hi"! Welcome to Chapter 69! My guests are Kelleigh Knight-Whitten and Tyler Whitten, owners of KNight’s Nook bookstore in Yukon, Oklahoma. We recorded at the store, so the audio may be a bit different than you’re used to. Kelleigh and Tyler launched Knight’s Nook in October of 2024 and are doing some really great things in their community. You are going to love getting to know Kelleigh and Tyler as we talk about how the store came about, their commitment to indie authors and to their community, and the incredible care they take as they curate their shelves. Connect with Knight's Nook: website | Instagram | Facebook My new book, College Unpacked: A Practical Guide to Choosing, Preparing For, and Excelling in College, is out! Find out more and get your copy at jhallwriter.com Mentioned on the Show: Rose Neal Natalie Griffin Berserk - Kentaro Miura & Jason Deangelis Naruto - Masashi Kishimoto Dragonball - Akira Toriyama & Toyotarou JuJitsu Kaisen - Gege Akutami Demonslayer - Koyoharu Gotouge The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas Cemetery of Forgotten Books Series - Carlos Ruiz Zafon Diviners Series - Libba Bray These Shallow Graves - Jennifer Donnelly Stalking Jack the Ripper series - Kerri Maniscalco Cassandra Clare - City of Bones | Mortal Instruments Columbine - Dave Cullen Stiff - Mary Roach Nancy Drew - Carolyn Keene Mary Higgins Clark The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Captain Underpants - Dav Pilkey Animorphs - K.A. Applegate Hatchet - Gary Paulsen Connect with J: website | TikTok | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook Shop the Bookcast on Bookshop.org Music by JuliusH