The big day finally arrives. Everyone who's anyone is invited to the social event of the season, including a horde of mad bomber cultists intent on blowing the entirety of Toreth Palace into kindling. Mina has a plan, and she has some contacts, but is that going to be enough? Links Transcript: All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: Twitter @TheLoneAdv Email Podbean Blog Mythic Assistant: Adventuresmith: CritDice: The One Ring: Eldritch Horror: Five Leagues from the Borderlands: Five Parsecs from Home: Speedpaint: Mechanics SCENE 52: DIGBY AND THE VISITOR Chaos Factor 3 Altered Scene: no FATE Did Visitor make contact (50/50) exceptional no EVENT Mistrust Prison (enemy faction boss HQ is on the Hook) Visit Digby M/F/NB male C 4, A 2, N 3, O 3, E 4 Motivations Encourage the Law Hinder Success Spoil beauty Relationship: distrustful Starting Mood: cautious UNE Response: will he say if the House know the Visitor? No FATE: does the House know him? (Likely) yes Mina Insight 19 vs DC 12: she knows he knows UNE Discussion: Demeanour mysterious, Bearing secrets, Focus current story The mysterious Digby speaks of secrets regarding the PCs current story EVENT: what secrets? Relates to NPC action (Cult), Waste Dispute SCENE 53 THE ALCHEMICAL TUTOR Chaos Factor 4 Altered Scene: Interrupt (Ambiguous Event) Move New Ideas (flyers proposing mass deportations) Visit Doctor Kropp M/F/NB non-binary C 3, A 5, N 3, O 2, E 2 Motivations Operate vigilance Process the church Defile nature Relationship Loved Starting Mood neutral UNE Discussion: Demeanour friendly, Bearing happiness Focus parents FATE: Is Mina’s mother alive? (50/50) no FATE: does he know how infernal powder be neutralised? (Likely) exceptional yes (he invented the technique) Mood sociable UNE Response: will he share the knowledge? Yes EVENT; how? Vengeance disruption (divinity: Bless!) FATE: any devotant? (Very Likely) yes SCENE 54 BEHIND THE SCENES Chaos Factor 3 Altered Scene: no House Toreth Security Chief Camilla Hargrave M/F/NB: F C 2, A 2, N 3, O 4, E 2 Motivations Produce the populous Assist justice Maintain harmony Relationship: friendly Starting Mood: cautious UNE discussion Demeanour mysterious, Bearing whispers Focus weapons UNE BINARY: Do they go along with the plan? Yes Anhra High Devotant M/F/NB F C 5, A 1, N 2, O 4, E 3 Motivations Abduct wealth Plunder gluttony Damage charity Relationship: neutral Starting mood: sociable UNE discussion Demeanour friendly, Bearing delight, Focus flaws UNE BINARY: Do they go along with the plan? Yes SCENE 55 WEDDING DAY Chaos Factor 2 Altered Scene: no FATE: do the cultists sense a trap? (50/50) exceptional no FATE: do the cultists resist the blessing? (50/50) no FATE: Is the High Dominar present? (50/50) no