The Web has just one more warehouse to take out, but this is the big one. It holds enough explosives to turn half of the docks into a smoking crater, and somehow the crew have to bypass a small army of security guards and take the powder out without killing half the city. But never fear; the Spider has a cunning plan… Links Transcript: All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: Twitter @TheLoneAdv Email Podbean Blog Blades in the Dark: Alone in the Dark: Solo Oracles: Faction clocks: Ironsworn: Starforged: Mechanics INTRO SCENE: Campaign Elements Oracle Faction: The authorities SIMPLE Q: Bluecoats? (50/50) Yes SIMPLE Q: Known NPC? (50/50) No PROGRESS CLOCK: Destroy the Unseen’s supply lines 12/20 The Shipping Company 4/4 The Percheron 4/4 Warehouse 1 4/4 Warehouse 2 0/8 FLASHBACK: GATHER INFORMATION: Spider Consort to find access points into the Underpipes, Push, Crater Assists, Risky, Standard: 4d: 2,3,4,4 (Success with Consequence) CONSEQUENCE: Worse Position: the entrance is guarded DESCRIPTOR/ FOCUS: Immersed Machine: half-converted cultist ACTION ROLL: Crater Skirmish, Desperate, Limited: 3d: 5,5,6 Success, 1XP PROGRESS CLOCK: Neutralise Warehouse 2: 1/8 GROUP ACTION ROLL: Prowl, led by Sallow to infiltrate the Underpipes undetected, Risky, Limited: Critical Success (2 progress) Sallow: 2d: 6,1 Trace: 3d: 2,3,3: 1 stress for Sallow Spider: 1d: 6 Crater: 1d: 3: 1 stress for Sallow PROGRESS CLOCK: Neutralise Warehouse 2: 3/8 SIMPLE Q: Who do they avoid? Cultists? No SIMPLE Q: Known group? Yes 1-2 Piperunners: Yes 3-4 HydroClan 5-6 Topsiders FRINGE GROUP: Raiders FACTION PROJECT: Consolidate control of valuable commodity ACTION ROLL: Trace Hunt, to find a route to the warehouse, Sallow Assists, Risky, Standard: 2,5,1 (Success with Consequence) PROGRESS CLOCK: Neutralise Warehouse 2: 5/8 CONSEQUENCE: Things take Longer COMPLEX Q: Why? 17, 28: Civilized Enclosure SIMPLE Q: Machine Cultists? Yes DERELICT SETTLEMENT ORACLE: 62: Operations: computer core, emergency lighting ACTION ROLL: Spider Study, to identify appropriate piping, Sallow Assist, Risky, Limited: 3d: 4,3,2: (Success with Consequence) PROGRESS CLOCK: Neutralise Warehouse 2: 6/8 CONSEQUENCE: Mark Clock Segment DANGER CLOCK: Detected by Cultist patrols: 2/4 ACTION ROLL: Sallow Tinker, to reroute water pipes, Crater Assist, Desperate, Standard: 3d: 3,3,6: Success. 1XP. PROGRESS CLOCK: Neutralise Warehouse 2: 8/8: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED