TLA Chapter 12 The Belly of The Beast

Our heroes must avoid the many dangers of the twisting tunnels of the Underpipes, but there are things far more lethal than magic-eating beetles down here. They soon come face to face with a terrible new foe, as well as a hated old one. Links Transcript All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: Names, by the Story Games Names Project: UNE: Mythic Deck: Tempting Fate: Mechanics SCENE 30 (part 2) Stealth: Mina (DIS) 10, Cadmus 17, Barbican 13 Perception Swarm (DIS): 4 SCENE 31: Investigating the pipes Chaos Factor 5 Altered Scene: Interrupt: Move away from a thread (Investigate the Whisperer’s death) Arrive Illusions (discuss Unseen: could be anyone, why a public death?) DUNGEON: Theme: Incredible Power, Unique (Faction Base), Discovery (Book/ scroll/ map): map of the Underpipes DESCRIPTION Innocently Poor FATE: Piperunners? (Likely) Yes, random event NPC Positive (Piperunners) Heal Suffering (Cadmus is back!) FATE Captured? (50/50) Exceptional yes (many enemies, disarmed) SCENE 32 Interrogation Chaos Factor 6 Altered Scene: no FATE: Piperunners hostile? (Likely) No, random event: Ambiguous Event: Extravagance Pain (flayed Hydroclanner) UNE: Lively crone (comparable power). Motivation: communicate disbelief, conceive propaganda, complete dissonance. Name: Ouma Jukti EVENT: why enmity with the surface? Bestow Assist FATE vs rival factions? (50/50) no (vs the surface) SCENE 33 Standoff Chaos Factor 7 Altered Scene: Interrupt: NPC Action (Machine Cultists) Antagonise Pleasures (they arrive mid discussion) EVENT: Why do they need healing? Betray Tension (conflict with other factions) Mina Investigation: Barrels, Machine Cultists: +6 vs DC 10: 15 FATE: Does she provide Infernal Powder source? (Very Unlikely) No FATE: Do the machine cultists recognise Mina? (50/50) Yes FATE: Do they want her dead? (50/50) Yes FATE: Does Jukti want her alive? (50/50) Yes FATE: Does this cause conflict between the Piperunners and the Cultists? (50/50) Yes FATE: Is their alliance an uneasy one? (50/50) Exceptional Yes FATE: Do the cultists back down? (Likely) Exceptional Yes
