The crew are bruised and beleaguered off the back of three punishing missions. But if they think the Spider is going to back down now, they have another think coming… Links Transcript: All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: Twitter @TheLoneAdv Email Podbean Blog Blades in the Dark: Alone in the Dark: Solo Oracles: Faction clocks: Mechanics XP Web XP: 18 (3 advances) +2 Stress boxes per crew member Everybody Steals (+1 action rating for each crew member) Synchronised (All Group Action 6’s combine) Crater XP: 7 (Bodyguard, Skirmish +1) Spider XP: 4 (Mastermind) Sallow XP: 8 (Physicker) Valerian XP: 7 (Rook’s Gambit, Sway +1) Tatters XP: 9 (Iron Will, Sway +1) Trace XP: 7 (Focused) Payoff Rep +9 Coin +6 Heat +10 (Wanted 2) Entanglements Show of Force (Undying destroy all covert drops) Reprisals (Sawtooth is found flayed) Questioning: Lord Adelaide Phroaig taken in, 2 Coin to release SIMPLE Q: Do Tatters and Valerian make it back to the safehouse? (50/50) 3,4 No, Because COMPLEX Q: Because what? 536, 431 Fireball, Arrow path They have not been found since the fire Downtime Activities Sallow Recover (Physicker, Crater Aids): 5d: 2,5,5,6,3: Frazzled gone, Overwhelmed to L1 Indulge Vice: 3 (4/11 remaining) Train (1 Coin): Survey +1 Crater Indulge Vice: 3 (4/11 remaining) Reduce Heat: Wreck: 3,4 Heat reduced by 2 to 3 Spider Indulge Vice: 5 (2/11 remaining) Reduce Heat: Consort: 4,1: Reduced by 2 to 1 Trace Recover (Physicker, Spider Aids): 5d: 1,1,3,4,5: 2 segments Recover (Physicker, Spider Aids): 5d: 6,4,3,1,3: 3 segments, Fatigued gone Train (1 Coin) Train (1 Coin): Study +1 Tatters Stress cleared, Trauma (Paranoid) +2 Stress (2 Trauma) Recover (Physicker, Valerian Aids): 5d: 4,5,2,2,6: 3 segments, 1 Coin for 5 segments: Brutalised cleared Train x 4 (3 Coin): +1 Study Valerian Stress cleared, Trauma (Reckless) +1 Stress (1 Trauma) Train x 2 Faction Clocks Unseen: +1 infiltrate city Council Cult: +1 Awaken Machine, +2 convert unbelievers Wraiths: +1 recruit thieves, +1 secure arcane ally Tortemus: +1 crush Crows, +1 gain arcane secrets Seekers: +1 benefits of war ENGAGEMENT ROLL Spider, Trace, Crater, Sallow The Plan: Assault The Detail: Destroy the Unseen’s supply lines Loadouts: all Medium Engagement Roll: 2D Luck: +1D Bold: +1D Vulnerability: +1D Ally (Jeren, Bluecoat archivist): +1D High Tier target: -1D Wanted: -1D Result: Mixed Result (Risky) GATHER INFORMATION: Spider Consort with Jeren re shipping Company, Mastermind to Push: 3d: 2,2,3 Limited: The Percheron is owned by the Void Sea Shipping Company VSSCo. PROGRESS CLOCK: Destroy the Unseen’s supply lines 0/16 Secure intel at the Shipping Company 0/4 Destroy the Percheron 0/4 Destroy Warehouse 1 0/4 Destroy Warehouse 2 0/4 GROUP ACTION ROLL: Prowl, led by Trace, to break into the VSSCo office while avoiding the attention of the passing patrols, Risky, Standard: (Success with Consequence) Trace: 3d: 5,5,2 Crater: 1d: 4 Sallow: 2d: 4,3 Spider: 1d: 1: 1 Stress to Trace CONSEQUENCE: Take Heat PROGRESS CLOCK: Destroy the Unseen’s supply lines 2/16 The Shipping Company 2/4 The Percheron 0/4 Warehouse 1 0/4 Warehouse 2 0/4 SIMPLE Q: Obvious wealth? 50/50: 4,1: Yes, but Faded glory ACTION ROLL: Spider Study, to find evidence in the company books while remaining undetected, Crater Assist, Risky, Standard: 3d: 1,4,5 (Success with Consequence) CONSEQUENCE: Worse Effect Limited information COMPLEX Q: limited how? STARFORGED DESCRIPTOR/ FOCUS ORACLE: Lost Ship One ship name has been obscured PROGRESS CLOCK: Destroy the Unseen’s supply lines 3/16 The Shipping Company 3/4 The Percheron 0/4 Warehouse 1 0/4 Warehouse 2 0/4 ACTION ROLL: Sallow Tinker, to break into the safe silently, Push, Risky, Standard-1 from Harm: 3d: 2,2,1 (Failure) CONSEQUENCE: Noisy explosion, safe destroyed, Bluecoats on their way GROUP ACTION ROLL: Prowl, led by Spider, to evade the Bluecoats and make it to the Percheron, Desperate, Limited: Success, 1XP Trace: 3d: 5,4,6 Crater: 1d: 5 Sallow: 2d: 1,3 1 stress to Spider Spider: 1d: 1: 3 1 stress to Spider PROGRESS CLOCK: Destroy the Unseen’s supply lines 4/16 The Shipping Company 3/4 The Percheron 1/4 Warehouse 1 0/4 Warehouse 2 0/4 SIMPLE Q: Is the ship guarded? Very Likely: Yes, but The guards are not alert SETUP ACTION ROLL: Trace Hunt, to lay a route and track down the Captain without getting spotted, Crater Assists, Risky, Limited: 3d: 3,6,3 (Success) PROGRESS CLOCK: Destroy the Unseen’s supply lines 5/16 The Shipping Company 3/4 The Percheron 2/4 Warehouse 1 0/4 Warehouse 2 0/4 GROUP ACTION ROLL: Prowl, led by Crater, to sneak onto the Percheron, Risky, Limited: (Critical Success: +1 Effect): Sallow can lay charges without a roll Crater: 1d: 2 1 Stress to Crater Sallow: 2d: 6,6 Spider: Push: 2d: 1,6 PROGRESS CLOCK: Destroy the Unseen’s supply lines 6/16 The Shipping Company 3/4 The Percheron 4/4 Warehouse 1 0/4 Warehouse 2 0/4 ACTION ROLL: Cutter Command, to interrogate the captain, Risky, Limited, Spider Assists, 2d: 5,1 (Success with Consequence) PROGRESS CLOCK: Destroy the Unseen’s supply lines 8/16 The Shipping Company 4/4 The Percheron 4/4 Warehouse 1 0/4 Warehouse 2 0/4 CONSEQUENCE: The Captain reveals a troubling truth COMPLEX Q: What does the captain reveal? 235, 662 (lobster claw, sunburst) ACTION/ THEME: 100, 86: Withdraw Supply DESCRIPTOR/ FOCUS: 99, 4: Valuable Archive ASK THE ORACLE: Is the skimmer the Undying, or someone else? (75/25) 95: someone else: d10: 4: The House of Whispers