TLA Chapter 3: The Missing Link

TLA Chapter 3: The Missing Link

This episode sees Mina find some sanctuary, but that doesn’t mean her troubles are over. She faces a dangerous setback and a night of chilling nightmares before the dawn. LINKS Transcript MECHANICS Scene 5: Studying the Folder Chaos Factor 7 SCENE ALTERED? 3 (Altered) 65 Attach 91 Weapons (folder is trapped: Glyph of Warding) Exhaustion Level 2 (Disadvantage on Ability Checks, Speed halved) Glyph spotted? Arcana (+6) vs DC 17 at Disadvantage: 10 (fail) Glyph deals 5d8 (24) thunder damage: 14/38 HP FATE: does she attract attention? (50/50) 46 Yes FATE: danger? (Unlikely) 68 No FATE: thrown out? (50/50) 91 No (Innkeeper investigates Innkeeper: Caelia, gnome, curious, suspicious Any tracking or scrying magics spotted? Arcana +6 vs DC 16 at Disadvantage: 15 (fail) Any clues spotted? Investigation +6 Vs DC 16 at Disadvantage: 12 (fail) FATE: folder destroyed? (Likely) 17 Yes DESCRIPTION: where did she first find the cultists'? 94 Softly 42 Hard (monastery) FATE: does she manage a long rest? (Likely) 94 No EVENT: 25 Dominate 17 The Spiritual FATE: nightmares? (50/50) 47 Yes Scene 6 Nightmares Chaos Factor 8 SCENE ALTERED? 3 altered (wakes up, another nightmare) Nightmare Generator Falling Chased Burned Trapped Shamed Bereaved Isolated Confused 4, 2, 6, 5 FATE: does her father leave her a message? (50/50): 29 yes DESCRIPTION: 69 Ruin 5 Inside (mausoleum) Scene 7: Montage Chaos Factor 7 SCENE ALTERED? 6 Interrupted Event focus: Close a Thread: Explain the explosion in the sky FATE: Does Mina get 2 days to recover? (Likely) 77 Yes, Random Event Event focus: Move towards a thread: Resolve trouble with the Whisperer
