Chapter 15 Show Notes With a death-defying leap, Mina escapes the battle atop the Great Machine. But more danger is waiting for her below, standing between her and the infernal powder she so desperately seeks. More danger, but also a potential ally… Links Transcript All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: Fast Character Generator: Antiope character sheet: Free Falling: Mechanics SCENE 39: Falling Chaos Factor 5 Altered Scene No Sending Stone Feather Fall FATE: Cadmus reply? (Very Likely) Yes FATE: As expected? (50/50) No EVENT: What does he say? (Refuse Good) FATE Does she see the cache? (Likely) No FATE Lands unchallenged? (50/50) No FATE: Cultists? (Very Likely) Yes FATE: Anything else (50/50) No, Random Event EVENT (Move Away from a Thread (Track down the Visitor) Abandon Stalemate FATE Many? (50/50) Yes (1d6+4: 8) SCENE 40: Chaos Factor 4 Altered Scene: Interrupt (Introduce a New NPC) Kill Nature (Antiope) Antiope personality rolls 41123 C1 A3 N1 O2 E4 Mina Persuasion 5 FATE Antiope attacks cultists? (Likely) Yes Combat Initiative Antiope 11 Cultists 8 Mina 2 Round 1 Antiope (46hp) 1 hit, 3hp Cultists (1 @ 6/9, 7@ 9/9) 16hp vs Antiope, 4hp vs Mina Mina (50/54hp) Interact with Object (open bag of holding), Bonus (Barbican attack) Barbican: Rend (miss) Round 2 Antiope (30/46hp) Pack Tactics ADV: 2 hits 5 & 3 hp (Cultist 1 down), Bonus 2nd Wind, 10hp Cultists (7 @ 9/9) mis v Mina (Barbican reaction for DIS), 16hp v Antiope, 4 hp v Barbican Mina (50/54) 12hp (cultist 2 down, cultist 3 on 6hp, Bonus (Barbican attack) Barbican (17/21) 6hp (cultist 3 down) Round 3 Antiope (24/46) Pack Tactics ADV: Hit, crit: cultist 4 down, cultist 5 on 3hp Cultists: 4 v A, 4 v B, mis v A (Barbican reaction for DIS) Mina (50/54) 12 hp (5 down, cleave, 6 down) Bonus (Barbican attack) Barbican (13/21) 9hp (7 down) Round 4 Antiope (20/46) Pack Tactics ADV: crit x 2 14+7hp 8 down SCENE 41 Chaos Factor 3 Altered Scene: No Antiope motivations (UNE motivation tables) Fulfil charity Comprehend the elite Determine freedom FATE: treasure? (unlikely) no FATE does Antiope want to help? (50/50) no, random event EVENT Move away from a thread (track down the visitor) trust the intellectual (+Abandon Stalemate) Mina Persuasion (ADV) 20