Episode 237 - 6 Tips to Overcome Self-Doubt and a creative way to Break the ice and a Stove at the same time 6 Tips to overcome self-doubt Avoid Self-Comparison Remember tour past achievements Avoid Comparing yourself to others Be mindful of your thinking Spend time with supportive people Find validation from within Adinah Johnson a retired Psychology Professor, Published Author, Marriage Coach, Youtuber, Podcaster, wife and a mom. I was a youth counselor for 14 years. My book Butterfly Blue (The pain of infertility and the power of Forgiveness) is on Amazon. My Podcast is Black Butterfly/Black Pearls is on Spotify Amazon.com: Butterfly Blue: The Pain of Infertility & The Power of Forgiveness (9781733659406): MHR, MSM, Adinah Johnson: Books https://www.amazon.com/Butterfly-Blue-Infertility-Power-Forgiveness/dp/1733659404 My podcast Black Butterfly/Black Pearls is on Spotify with my lifelong friend of 45 years. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3hDmMsjX1WnhS3n3dOPhh8?si=vwg1tiCLQ4yHRLUP-XTcIQ&nd=1&dlsi=dc06dbb2ae3746a9 ___ https://howtopodcast.ca/