E67 - Podcasting with a Co-Host with Guest CO-HOSTS Alicia Disantis and Shaun Bernstein from Branding and the Beast Podcast Branding and the Beast is a podcast that talks about branding and storytelling through the power of words and images. A production of 38th and Kip Design and Branding and The Write Stuff Agency, we feature guests each episode that look at a different aspect of branding, and offer practical tips for businesses of all sizes. Topic for this episode: All things co-hosting - Sharing the workload - what happens when we start making money - doing a co-hosted podcast remotely - podcasting with a co-host in another country - how co-hosting can be a great way to start your podcast journey - sharing the expenses of podcasting - scheduling and recording with a co-host - branding your show - ask a short question and get out of the way https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shaun-bernstein ___ http://howtopodcast.ca/ Podcasting Tips, How To Podcast, Start A Podcast, School, Podcast, Podcaster