EPISODE 121 - Podcast Host Tips For Interview Based Podcasts - Learn From The Experiences of Others Some suggestions for podcast hosts with guests! Compiled from some of my podcast buddies about interview guests on your podcast. - be sure to comment on your guests when they post on be a guest sites confirming to others how great your former guest is - your support as your guest looks for more podcasts to be on is super helpful - remember - you do not have to accept EVERY guest - be selective - Leverage pre/post show planning for each of your guest - pre-interview/planning sessions can be impactful and helpful to new podcast guests with limited experience - make your guest comfortable on your show - treat people well and the results will follow - server your guests - communicate with guest - give guests a brief synopsis of your show, the reason that they would be a good fit, and the benefit your guest will receive by being on your show - if a guest mentions a mentor, resource or helpful tool - reach out to that suggested resource and invite them on your show as well if it serves your audience - keep a running track sheet on guests - track all the processes of your show and keep track of guests that have been great or not so great - big take away - Podcasting is about THEM not YOU ___ https://howtopodcast.ca/ Leave Dave a message - https://www.speakpipe.com/HelloDave Get a podcast review of your show! - https://podcastfeedback.ca/