Challenging Netflix's 'Seaspiracy': Conversation with Spearfisher Valentine Thomas

Challenging Netflix's 'Seaspiracy': Conversation with Spearfisher Valentine Thomas

106 | This week on the Discover Ag podcast, Nat and Tara are back with their summer "Debunking Series" where they will debunk negative documentaries about agriculture and food. In this episode they discuss the documentary "Seaspiracy". Nat and Tara, along with their guest Valentine Thomas share their first impressions and thoughts of the documentary that claims that fishing is damaging our planet. Points mentioned: The documentary, similar to "Cowspiracy," jumps from topic to topic, overwhelming viewers with information. Highlights issues like overfishing, plastics in the ocean, and marine life challenges, but fails to present a balanced view and focuses only on the negative aspects of the fishing industry. The filmmakers have a one-sided approach and refuse to engage in conversations with experts who could have provided a more balanced perspective on the seafood industry. In our next episode, we'll be discussing the documentary "To Which We Belong".  Don't miss it! Follow Us on Instagram! @‌NatalieKovarik | @‌TaraVanderDussen | @DiscoverAg_ ________________________________________________________ Discover Ag is brought to you in part by CASEIH. To the men and women at Case IH, farming is a way of life. A life they live every day on millions of acres across North America. Get to know the farmers who work at Case IH and see how they bring that perspective into everything Case IH does. Visit to see their stories and even share your own. Built by Farmers. Case IH. Please note this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.
