CTM 1 : Expansive Thinking with Christian Bason

CTM 1 : Expansive Thinking with Christian Bason

For the first episode of Curiosity That Matters, I travelled to Copenhagen, Denmark, to interview Christian Bason, CEO of the Danish Design Centre. In this episode, we delve deep into one of his latest books: Expand. Stretching the future by design We talk about: The SIX expansions in the book, along with practical examples Christian's influences and his career journey What he's looking forward to, and what he thinks I should be curious about Relevant notes & links: Who is Christian Bason? What is the Danish Design Centre: Book related to episode: Expand - Stretching the Future by Design Other books mentioned in episode: The Organization was set free, and the Leadership Had to be Rediscovered (Danish) - Christian's new book, published since the interview Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Charles Eames Interview Design Q&A with Charles Eames / Read about it here DDC's Work on youth & mental Health https://ddc.dk/mission-for-a-thriving-youth/ https://ddc.dk/projects/imagine-if-we/ Other work by the DDC https://ddc.dk/all-innovation-projects/ Mission Oriented Innovation Learn more about Mariana Mazzucato and Missions here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/public-purpose/research/mission-oriented-innovation- Some of what I read and listened to in preparation for this episode: https://www.cbs.dk/en/research/departments-and-centres/department-of-management-politics-and-philosophy/events/phd-defence-christian-bason-0 https://medium.com/authority-magazine/authors-jens-martin-skibsted-and-christian-bason-of-expand-stretching-the-future-by-design-on-how-5d217bb59055 https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/mckinsey-on-books/author-talks-design-your-future https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1R_9qbp92E https://creativebureaucracy.org/discover/videos/expand-how-to-stretch-the-future-by-design/ https://apolitical.co/solution-articles/en/why-expansive-thinking-is-the-new-creative-fuel-for-public-serva
