"Welcome to the 49th episode of 'Put Em On The Couch,' where Jason McCoy and Nelson Beaulieu, two academic buddies, delve into real-world topics from the comfort of your living room. In this episode, they tackle the pressing question on every parent's mind: 'Am I Being Too Hard On My Kids?' Join them for an enlightening 80+ minutes as they explore the nuances of parenting pressure, from deciphering the role of a 'soccer mom' to identifying signs of overbearing expectations. Delve into the potential pitfalls of academic and athletic rigor, and uncover the possible negative consequences of pushing children too far. Tune in for expert insights, thought-provoking discussions, and practical advice to navigate the delicate balance of nurturing and challenging our next generation. Don't miss out on this engaging episode that promises to shed light on one of the most important dilemmas facing modern parents. Follow and join the conversation!" #neverenough #parentalpressure #acheivementpressure #livingvicariously #sportsparents #soccermom #soccerdad #tigermom #psychology #JasonMcCoy #professormccoy #putemonthecouch