Welcome to this episode of Bible Difficulties and Answers, a deep dive into the captivating story of Cain and Abel. Our understanding will be immensely enriched by recent Christian scholarship, illuminating the age-old question: why did God accept Abel's sacrifice and not Cain's? We delve into Abel's sacrifice, noted as 'the best portions of the firstborn lambs', and contrast this with Cain's offering of 'some of his crops'. Our host, Lance Smith, challenges the traditional notion that Abel's acceptance was solely because he offered a blood sacrifice, while Cain did not. Through the study of different interpretations and research, Lance paints a vivid picture of how the inner person influences the outward expression of sacrifice. The crux of the issue may lie in the motivation and attitude behind the offering, rather than the nature of the offering itself. Drawing from various sources, Lance asserts that Abel's acceptance possibly hinges on the heartfelt giving of the best he had, while Cain's rejection could be attributed to the lackadaisical offering of just 'some' of his crops and not the best or first fruits. This episode enriches our perception of how God respects persons, paying particular attention to the heart and motivation behind their acts. You are invited to join us as we continue our exploration next week into why Cain wasn't given capital punishment for the murder he committed. You can reach Lance directly or learn more at our website and email address. Please like, subscribe, write a review, and give this podcast a five-star rating. Your engagement helps spread the knowledge about the most intriguing book ever written. Until the next episode, take care and stay blessed! References to items discussed on this podcast may found at the following: https://a.co/d/7shn4hI (The Big Book of Bible Difficulties from Amazon) https://www.gotquestions.org/Cain-and-Abel.html https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/35718/in-genesis-42-8-why-did-god-not-accept-cains-offering https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Creation-Early-Man-Christian/dp/1887904026 (Genesis, Creation and Early Man: The Orthodox Christian Vision) https://ssnet.org/blog/monday-two-offerings/