Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast with your host, Lance Smith. In this episode, we dive deep into Genesis 8:22, a verse that, at first glance, seems straightforward but holds profound implications. Why do famines occur if God promised perpetual seasons? Did humanity experience seasons before the flood? Could this verse be the bedrock of the prosperity gospel? Or is it a source of comfort in today's fear-driven world? Join us as we explore these questions, presenting various opinions and concluding with Lance's insights. We'll also reference historical confessions of faith, scientific perspectives, and modern theological viewpoints to unpack the true meaning of Genesis 8:22. This episode promises to enlighten and challenge your understanding of divine promises and their relevance today. Ready to dive in? Let's learn together about the cycles of nature, God's providence, and the implications for our lives. Don't miss out on this enriching discussion! References to items discussed on this podcast may found at the following: The Bible Difficulties and Answers Website Email Address: bibledifficultiesandanswers@gmail.com https://a.co/d/7shn4hI (The Big Book of Bible Difficulties from Amazon) https://theothoughts.com/2013/04/19/seedtime-and-horror-the-prosperity-philosophy-built-on-genesis-822/ https://www.bjnewlife.org/en/sermons/sermonsDetail.php?idx=3202&findLang=English https://www.bibleref.com/Genesis/8/Genesis-8-22.html#:~:text=God%20commits%20to%20never%20again,as%20God%20had%20designed%20them. https://carm.org/creeds-and-confessions/second-london-baptist-confession-1689-of-god/ https://dailyverse.knowing-jesus.com/genesis-8-22 https://thebiblesays.com/commentary/gen/gen-8/genesis-818-22/