Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast, hosted by Lance Smith. In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the depths of Genesis 6:14-15, focusing on the flood narrative. Was this flood an actual historical event, a myth like the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh, or something in between—a mytho-history? We explore the question of whether the flood truly occurred and examine the evidence supporting it as a historical fact. How could Noah's Ark have housed all species of animals, enough food, and humans for such an extensive journey? We discuss the term "kind" versus "species" and whether it provides a different perspective that might make the story more plausible. Join us as we present various viewpoints, including insights from Dr. William Lane Craig and others, on whether the flood narrative is mytho-history or a real event. We also address how the Ark could have held all the animals, drawing from research and expert opinions. Don't miss this episode filled with fascinating discussions, detailed research, and compelling arguments. For a deeper dive, be sure to check out the articles linked in the episode description. Stay tuned as we continue our exploration of Genesis in the next episode, focusing on the survival of a wooden Ark in a violent flood. References to items discussed on this podcast may found at the following: The Bible Difficulties and Answers Website Email Address: bibledifficultiesandanswers@gmail.com https://a.co/d/7shn4hI (The Big Book of Bible Difficulties from Amazon) https://a.co/d/5uXgPY7 (NRSV Bible) https://carm.org/about-the-bible/could-noahs-ark-hold-all-the-animals/ https://www.reasonablefaith.org/podcasts/defenders-podcast-series-3/excursus-on-creation-of-life-and-biological-diversity/excursus-on-creation-of-life-and-biological-diversity-part-27 https://crossexamined.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/11.24-Podcast-Inside-Noahs-Ark-with-Dr.-Tim-Chaffey.pdf https://reasons.org/explore/publications/reasons-newsletter/which-animals-rode-on-the-ark