(CORRECTION: The second Bible Reading in the podcast is Genesis 20:1-18) Welcome to the Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast, hosted by Lance Smith. In this third episode of our five-part series on Abraham, we explore a perplexing question from Genesis 12:10-20 and Genesis 20:1-18: Why did God let Abraham prosper by lying? We delve into the nature of God, the character of Abraham, and the role of the Old Testament, examining how divine grace and forgiveness play into these narratives. This episode also looks at theological perspectives and interpretations to understand the complexities of Abraham's actions and their consequences. Join us as we unravel this biblical mystery and gain new insights into these fascinating stories. Don't forget to check the show notes for further reading and resources. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we'll discuss the historical reliability of Abraham's defeat of the Mesopotamian kings. References to items discussed on this podcast may found at the following: The Bible Difficulties and Answers Website Email Address: bibledifficultiesandanswers@gmail.com https://a.co/d/7shn4hI (The Big Book of Bible Difficulties from Amazon) https://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/oldabe.html https://www.gotquestions.org/Abram-Pharaoh-lie.html https://answersingenesis.org/archaeology/ancient-egypt/were-the-plagues-on-pharaoh-because-of-abram-and-sarai-unfair/ https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/my-wife-my-sister/ https://a.co/d/aHiz6xE (New Revised Standard Version Bible)