In this powerful episode of "Bible Difficulties and Answers" podcast, hosted by Lance Smith, we delve into the intriguing question of Cain's wife in the biblical narrative. Who was she? Was she a relative of Cain? If so, how does this align with the prohibition against incest as understood in cultures across the globe and in biblical teachings? This presentation aims to unravel the seeming paradox by examining various schools of thought from credible biblical scholars and recent interpretations. The episode discusses the possibility that Cain may have married a close relative, likely a sister or a niece from his immediate family. Such a marriage, it argues, would not have constituted incest in early biblical times due to the genetic perfection and the rapid population growth during the Genesis era. Further discussions analyze how, due to emerging genetic mutations, such unions became increasingly problematic, culminating in the explicit prohibition of intermarriages among close relatives under the Mosaic Law. Smith also takes a satisfying jab at atheist evolutionists who evade the issue of early incest in their Darwinian evolutionary hypothesis, highlighting its logical fallacies. This episode closes with an insightful contrast between the understanding and practice of incestuous relationships during early biblical times and modern-day perceptions. Tune in to better understand this complex topic. References to items discussed on this podcast may found at the following: (The Big Book of Bible Difficulties from Amazon)