Welcome to a thought-provoking episode of The Bible Difficulties and Answers podcast where host Lance Smith explores one of the oldest Biblical queries: Why did Cain not receive capital punishment for murdering his brother, Abel? Unlike many assumptions, Cain's escape from instant death isn’t an argument against capital punishment or divine justice, but possibly an expression of God’s graciousness. Smith takes you on a deep dive into Genesis 4, detailing Ancient Hebrew translations, interpretations from different scholarly sources, and his own analytical thoughts. The discussion digs deeper into verses 12 and 13 from the New Living Translation, examining how the explicit punishments that God inflicted on Cain might have been worse than immediate death. The episode also includes discussion about God’s rule changes after the days of Cain and Abel, how capital punishment became a consequence for murder, and how this all ties into the idea that God's judgement is often tempered by grace. Wrapped up with contemplative commentary on humanity’s tendency to move away from God, this episode gives you a chance to reconsider the traditional narrative and develop a well-rounded perspective. Stay connected for next week’s episode titled, "Where Did Cain Get His Wife?" to dig even deeper into the intriguing life of one of Biblical history’s most infamous characters. References to items discussed on this podcast may found at the following: https://a.co/d/7shn4hI (The Big Book of Bible Difficulties from Amazon) https://bibletalk.tv/the-punishment-of-cain https://tidings.org/articles/the-way-of-cain-4-cain-crime-and-punishment/ https://www.reasonablefaith.org/podcasts/defenders-podcast-series-3/excursus-on-creation-of-life-and-biological-diversity/excursus-on-creation-of-life-and-biological-diversity-part-22 https://www.gotquestions.org/Cain-death.html https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_716.cfm https://www.jewishanswers.org/ask-the-rabbi-category/the-jewish-legal-system/criminal-law/?p=2476