Angel Island Part 4: Dialogue and Departure

Angel Island Part 4: Dialogue and Departure

The word “departure” generally refers to the physical act of leaving a place. However, departure also indicates a deviation from one’s traditional course of action or way of thinking. As we close out this season of Sounds Current, Charlton and esteemed collaborators reflect on their experiences related to the development and subsequent productions of Angel Island. How have the music, the conversations, and their experiences on Angel Island shaped their understanding of the current immigration debate in the US and beyond? How has being a part of the project affected their personal narratives and understanding of family history? And what does the future hold for this project as a whole? And how is the audience receiving the piece? For the first time in this series, we hear immediate reactions.. Part 4 Features: Matthew Ozawa, Stage Director, New York premiere of Angel Island Andi Wong, Teaching Artist and Arts Advocate Genny Lim, Poet, Playwright, Performer, and Pioneer Casey Dexter-Lee, State Park Interpreter II for Angel Island Susan Moffat, Principal, Future Histories Studio Huang Ruo, Composer, Angel Island Ben Kreith, Del Sol Quartet violinist Kathryn Bates, Del Sol Quartet cellist Hyeyung Sol Yoon, Del Sol Quartet violinist Sidney Chen, Singer, Volti San Francisco Ed Tepporn, Executive Director, Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation And numerous audience members from the Next Wave Festival, co-presented by Brooklyn Academy of Music and Prototype Festival, Produced by Beth Morrison Projects in association with Brooklyn Academy of Music. Featured Music Provided By: Meilina Tsui Byron Au Yong Theresa Wong Timo Chen Taylor Ho Bynum Erika Oba Juri Seo Order Huang Ruo’s A Dust in Time here, listen in Spotify or your favorite music streaming service. The Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation invites you to Immigrant Voices, a growing archive of personal stories of Pacific Coast immigrants. Explore here. LEARN MORE: Del Sol Quartet on Spotify Facebook Instagram YouTube CREDITS: Hosted by Charlton Lee Produced by Andrea Klunder, The Creative Impostor Studios, Charlton Lee, Kath
