“there is nothing more stimulating” [HOUN] The latest entry in the BSI Press Professions series is a sequel: Stimulating Medicine: More Nerve and Knowledge: Doctors, Medicine, and the Sherlockian Canon. What makes it even more interesting is that it was developed during the pandemic. Bob Katz, BSI ("Dr. Ainstree") and Andy Solberg, BSI ("Professor Coram") joined forces for the sixth time, and join us for a sixth time to discuss this volume. More than the people, tools, and places that made up Nerve and Knowledge, this volume delves deeper into the world of medicine and into the human psyche itself. The Canonical Couplet features some erstwhile entries from ChatGPT, as well as the actual puzzle for you to solve: two lines of poetry that summarize one of the 60 stories. If you're the lucky winner whose correct entry is randomly chosen, you'll be the recipient of a copy of Stimulating Medicine. Send your answer to comment @ ihearofsherlock .com by April 14, 2023 at 11:59 a.m. EST. The winner will be chosen at random from among all the correct answers. All listeners are eligible to play. If you become a , not only will you help to ensure we can keep doing what we do, covering file hosting costs, production, and transcription services, but we have thank-you gifts at certain tiers and ad-free versions of the episodes for all patrons. Sponsors is the premier publisher of books about Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle. is a publishing dynamo, with new titles every week. They're sure to have loads of options for your Sherlock Holmes-related needs. Would you care to advertise with us? You can find . Let's chat! Links This episode: (BSI Press) (BSI Press) Previous Episodes mentioned: Many more links, articles, and images are available in our Flipboard magazine at as well as through our accounts on , , , and . And would you consider leaving us a rating and review? It would help other Sherlockians to find us. Your thoughts on the show? Leave a comment below, send us an email (comment AT ihearofsherlock DOT com), call us at 5-1895-221B-5. That's (518) 952-2125. Transcript We are so grateful for your support , which makes our transcripts possible. Every amount helps. A transcript will be here soon. --