Well, it's been in the news quite frequently lately. The new Sherlock Holmes movie has brought new life to the literary franchise we all know and love. But Holmesians have a number of questions: how is it? Does Robert Downey, Jr. make a decent Holmes? Is the "bromance" just a little too much for the purists? Will those raised on Rathbone be able to stand the latest reincarnation? To help us answer these questions and perhaps raise a few more, Scott and Burt are joined in this episode by Sherlockian film critic David F. Morrill, BSI ("Count Von Kramm"), a man who owns as many as 10,000 movies - some of which are actually worth watching. David helps us discern what makes a good cinematic Holmes, shares his picks of the best film editions of , and shares his opinion on how Downey stacks up while dressing down. Links: David's picks for the best versions of : the version, the outing, and the edition. , featuring Ronald Howard For those interested in the other cartoons & films mentioned in passing: , and can be found here. Download this episode by right-clicking the icon and selecting "Save As..." (File size: 25.6 MB, 27:56 )