You can find past episodes and other information about the show at Brief Introduction Date of recording – June 3rd, 2015 Hosts – Tobias Macey and Chris Patti Overview – Interview with Fernando Perez and Brian Granger, core developers of IPython/Project Jupyter Follow us on iTunes, Stitcher or TuneIn Give us feedback! (iTunes, Twitter, email, Disqus comments) You can donate (if you want)! Interview with Brian Granger and Fernando Perez Introductions How did you get introduced to Python? – Chris For anyone who may not have heard of or used IPython, can you describe what it is? How challenging was it to port IPython to Python 3? Thomas Kluyver What prompted the name change from IPython to Project Jupyter and were there any associated changes in the project itself? Name inspired by Julia, Python and R – the three programming languages of data science Data scientists have adopted the use of IPython notebooks in their work on a large scale, what is it about notebooks that lend themselves to this particular problem domain? Bayesian methods for Hackers – Cameron Davidson-Pilon Signal processing in Python O’Reilly added support for notebooks into Atlas publishing platform IPython Notebook seems like an incredible tool for educators is advanced fields. Have you seen wide spread adoption in this area and is it a focus for the project? NBGrader – notebook grader Github recently added the ability to render notebooks in a repo. Did you work with them to build that integration? What are some of the most interesting uses of IPython notebooks that you have seen? Gallery of interesting notebooks on the wiki Reproducible academic publications Couple of dozen scientific papers, some very high profile Educational notebooks on various subjects Great learning resource, as well as entertaining MOOC taught between distributed team on Open EdX using IPython notebooks about numerical computing with Python Peter Norvig collection of IPython notebooks Includes analysis of traveling salesman problem– time series data analysis <- Couldn’t get this to work. -Chris Are there any notable projects that use IPython as one of their components? KBase for computational biology Sage – Open source mathematics project written in Python Created by number theorist William Stein Custom parser to allow for non-python syntax Quantopian – Collaborative platform for financial modeling. Runs on top of IPython Wakari from Continuum Analytics – hosted IPython with computing environment Rackspace hosts TempNB and other IPython services Where do you see Project Jupyter going in the future? Are there any particular new features you’d like to see added? – Tobias One of the biggest targeted features is real-time collaboration Prototyped by engineers from Google More modular UI and architecture Multi-user deployments with Jupyter Hub A few weeks ago we interviewed Jonathan Slenders who wrote ptpython, which brings IDE like capabilities to interactive Python. Have you ever considered including this in IPython? What are some of the features that an average user might not know about? Is there anything in particular that you would like to ask our listeners for help with? Pitch in with the development effort Organize community events on behalf of IPython/Jupyter Be patient while documentation improves Picks Tobias Dayworld trilogy by Phillip Jose Farmer Chris RubyTapas by Avdi Grimm CodeNewbies Tweetbot Brian Granger Data Science from Scratch – Joel Gruß Elements of Graphing Data – William Cleveland Fernando Perez Republic Lost – Lawrence Lessig Alvaro Mutis Keep in Touch Twitter @projectjupyter, @ipythondev, @ellisonbg, @fperez_org The intro and outro music is from Requiem for a Fish The Freak Fandango Orchestra / CC BY-SA