Important Guest First-Visits are the Best to Start/Add Video!

You've just booked the largest guest to date. It's going to be one for the podcast ages and make you the Podcast Superstar you already know you are! But now, everyone will be able to se-- waitaminit. They CAN'T SEE IT because you DON'T HAVE VIDEO YET!? That's alright! Because now is the time to heap on the ultra-easy, multi-tentacled solution of high-definition video to your tasks lists! Everything will work out just fine! Or will it? It's time to talk about how having an ultra-important guests - is probably NOT the best time to incorporate video into your program during this episode of The Podcast Gauntlet... The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at Apple Podcasts! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an Apple Podcasts user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts via The Podcaster Matrix! The Podcast Gauntlet Podcast Connection Links: Connect with The Hosts (and View Direct Contact information Below!) Subscribe to This Podcast & Listen Now! Subscribe, Like, and Share Everywhere! Help The Podcast Gauntlet Grow! The Shownotes for this Episode of The Podcast Gauntlet: -- The Up N' Coming Rock Star Phenomenon - have YOU fallen victim to it? -- Do you really want to be troubleshooting a giant listing of items you've never worked on - as you welcome your largest guest to date? -- How many interviews does it take to be ready to now include video capture into your program's workflow? -- Check Out 2GuysTalkingCrypto on YouTube -- How much "personal bandwidth" can you add into your existing podcast workflow - and maintain quality/program integrity? -- Is it time to bring in someone that can help you with 'doing the video' part of the program, until you can learn the process and "what-to-dos" to do it AND capture your regular programming? -- What are the "true costs" of going video with a podcast? The MIND WILL REEL with reality when you start to learn the truths involved. -- A Link to Rick Beato's Channel on YouTube -- A Link to Rick Beato's What Makes This Song Great? -- A Link to Rick Beato's Live Programs on YouTube -- What kind environment have you created/will you need to create for a viable, professional-looking video feed/capture session? -- Where will you STORE all of your collected video content (both after capture, after edit, back-ups, etc)? -- Do you know how to "tell" people how they'll be appearing on your program via video? -- Link to Aaron Montgomery's Social Ribbon -- Remember - your Podcast should LEAD people to your business as a part of your business' MARKETING ARM! The Podcast ISN'T YOUR PRODUCT! Change My Mind! -- What IS your plan to add video to your program? We'd love to see what you've got planned! -- Never be afraid to admit that you know a lot about a lot of things, but NOT EVERYTHING about ANY ONE THING. There's ALWAYS MORE TO LEARN! Tell Us What You Think of This Episode of The Podcast Gauntlet: Few things are more valuable than feedback. We talk about a LOT of hot-topic subjects inside The Podcast Gauntlet and now - it's time for YOU to THROW-DOWN! Tell us what you think, give us YOUR perspective and we'll be sure to incorporate your input and perspective into another great All-Fan Input episode! The Hosts of this Program: Mike Wilkerson: Mike Wilkerson Is the PodFather of St. Louis, and has been hosting, producing, concepting and enhancing podcasts since 2005. As a professional content creator, Mike has been making and documenting every mistake in the Podcasting industry so you won't have to when you're ready to begin. With thousands of of hours of business,
